No Artificial Sweeteners

No Artificial Colors

No Preservatives

Gluten Free


Hormone Free
Holistic Approach To
Prenatal Nutrition

What should I eat? What is safe for me & my baby? Am I getting proper nutrition?
Baby Booster is a good start to the day, it also provides a great protein supplement between meals to help ward off the afternoon "crash" (hunger associated with low nutrition) and has the DHA, folate, and other nutritional supplements that are so important for mom and developing baby. The high-protein to low carbohydrate ratio provides an excellent nutritional source without the excess calories.

“So many pregnant women have difficulty attaining optimum nutrition during those important nine months while their baby develops. Using Baby Booster daily makes it easy to get the important nutrients that are often lacking in a pregnant woman’s diet & supplements; its high protein to low carbohydrate ratio also makes it a perfect choice for anyone looking to follow a healthy lifestyle.”
-Dr. Scott Bailey, M.D.